Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Power BI dashboard featuring the Adventure Works dataset and its latest AI features.

  • Contents: The dataset comprises seven distinct tables or tabs:
    • Sales: A fact or numeric table.
    • ProductCustomerSales OrderSales TerritoryReseller, and Calendar Date:
  • Source: Microsoft generously provides the AdventureWorks dataset as a freely accessible public database.
ETL Process (Extract-Transform-Load)
The ETL process involves:
The AdventureWorks Dataset
  • Extract: Getting the data from various sources.
  • Transform: Shaping and cleaning the data.
  • Load: Storing it in a suitable format.
  • Extract: Getting the data from various sources.

AI Features in the Dashboard

  • Key Influencers
  • Decomposition Tree
  • Smart Narrative
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