How to Create a Pareto Chart in Power BI Using DAX

A Pareto chart is a powerful visualization that helps identify the most significant factors in a dataset. It combines a bar chart and a line chart, showing both individual and cumulative contributions of categories. In this guide, we’ll walk through creating a Pareto chart in Power BI using DAX.

Why Use a Pareto Chart?

The Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) states that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes. In business analytics, this chart helps prioritize efforts by highlighting the most impactful categories.

Steps to Create a Pareto Chart in Power BI

1. Load Your Dataset

First, import your dataset into Power BI. Ensure it includes a categorical column (e.g., Product, Customer, Region) and a numerical column (e.g., Sales, Revenue, Orders).

2. Create the Total Sales Measure

We need to calculate total sales using a DAX measure:

Total Sales = SUM(Sales[Amount])

3. Rank the Categories by Sales

To rank the categories in descending order based on sales, create a Rank Measure:

Rank by Sales =
    [Total Sales],

4. Calculate Cumulative Sales

To compute the cumulative sales, use this DAX formula:

Cumulative Sales =
VAR CurrentCategory = SELECTEDVALUE(Sales[Category])
    [Total Sales],
        [Rank by Sales] <=
        CALCULATE([Rank by Sales], Sales[Category] = CurrentCategory)

5. Compute Cumulative Percentage

Next, divide the cumulative sales by the total sales to get the cumulative percentage:

Cumulative % =
DIVIDE([Cumulative Sales], CALCULATE([Total Sales], ALL(Sales)))

6. Create the Pareto Chart

  • Insert a Clustered Column Chart for categories vs. total sales.
  • Add a Line Chart to the same visual.
  • Set the Y-axis (columns) to Total Sales.
  • Set the Y-axis (line) to Cumulative %.
  • Format the line to display as a percentage.

7. Add a Reference Line at 80%

To highlight the Pareto threshold, add a constant line at 80% in the analytics pane.

Final Thoughts

A Pareto chart in Power BI using DAX helps identify key contributors to business success. By leveraging DAX formulas, you can create an interactive and insightful visualization to make data-driven decisions.

For more Power BI tutorials, visit Analytics With Bani. 🚀

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