Subscription Cohort Analysis

To better understand customer retention and churn rates, I have been handed a dataset that contains subscription data from Sep 2022 – Sep 2023. The goal is to transform the data into a monthly cohort analysis that can be used to identify churn trends and patterns.

  • Transform the canceled_date column and replace null values using a data literal base on the last day of September 2023
  • Add a new start of month column based on created_date called “Created Date(SOM)”
  • Add a new column named Month Span to show the number of months between created_date and canceled_date
  • Add a new Column called Month List, using List. Numbers to expand Month Span into multiple Records
  • Expand the resulting list and update the data types as necessary

Here is the Customer Retention Volumn DAX Formulas

Customer Retention(%) DAX Formula

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